Friday, December 3, 2010

A belated post and an explanation followeerd by something of an apology and some cavilling

Last night I was unable to get online. I tried heroically, even attempting to do it over my phone. My phone, which I hate, responded by again calling my high school girlfriend and telling her I that I still loved her and sending her several obscene pictures of Marty Robbins. I am sorry for the interruption of what up till now as been uninterrupted service.There will however, be few if any refunds made available for readers I am now happily ensconced in a public library in an undisclosed location in South Carolina. I am afraid I am going to have this problem again and I may be delayed in posting over the next week or so, I will do my best and hope to find an Internet cafe open in the evening or some such solution.

I am returning to the subject of a comparison between Sargent, Zorn and Sorolla, who form a triumvirate of similar artists and have in recent years begun to exert an enormous influence on the painters of our own time. I am delighted to see that, I don't know how our time's painters could have sounder heroes who exemplify the best of the interweaving of impressionism and academic training.

The pictures on this page are very early examples of Sorolla from the 1880's before he produced the highly colored paintings for which he is known today. The head studies at the top of the page shows a really serious study of Velazquez, which all of these painters had as their primary hero.

The head of the young women above is very Sargent like, again it is very early in Sorollas career. It has none of the cool light and sparkling color by which his work would later be distinguished. It is still a great piece of work.

I posted the figure below as it looked so like a Zorn, notice the palette?

Here is a landscape that could almost be a Zorn as well. The greyed color and the interest in the ripples of the water are similar to many of Zorn paintings.

I expect that as a young man Sorolla was admiring Sargent and didn't find his own "style" until a few years later. Tomorrow ( I hope to figure out a routine access to the net and) I will post some more typical and later Sorolla paintings.

Individual e-mails witk more information will go out to those of you who are signed up for the Charleston workshop, hopefully tonight. I will be at the Ella Walton Richardson gallery at 58 Broad Street in Charleston, South Carolina at 5;00 on Friday the 10th that's a week from today. I invite you to come in and meet up that evening if you can. If you want to sign up for the workshop I have a few spaces left and you can do so here.

If you are in the area and want me to say hello, or have me sign the screen of your laptop stop in.


  1. I'm glad you're OK! I was begining to worry.
    I realize the important "roll" you play.
    If I don't get my morning fix of Stape,(and if it's a full moon) I turn into a monster.
    Did these guys ever paint monsters?
    Maybe I'll do a wolfman in Zorn palette! Hoooowllllll!!

  2. they can't keep a good man down for long....there is nothing like a dose of the How Far We Have Come,to remind us from whince we came...and to how far we hope to go. I'm glad we didn't have to hear a sad gator story, be safe Stape!!

  3. I definitely hold these three very high, but along with them for me is Ilya Repin. I am curious why he isn't included here.

  4. Interesting! I don't think I've ever seen these before.

    Was at the holiday show at Kornye West in Ft Worth last night and saw your large landscape of the Beehive in Maine-very handsome! The place was packed. Hope you'll be down our way in the coming year!

  5. Here's something I've been thinking of trying: Getting a tablet pc for mobile internet instead of a phone. An iPod touch will work as well. They make use of wifi, which pretty much ALL hotels and cafes provide for free, and there is no monthly charge! The internet service provided by the phone companies is a scam.

  6. Hey Stape, i really am enjoying your investigative reporting on the masters.. Great stuff. I am currently doing some studies of Sargent and it is amazing how little color he used, he framed the color well.

  7. bill;
    I am OK , but wicked old.

  8. barbara;
    I hope you don't get as gator story either. The internet seems imperiled. I am fine and typing away.

  9. Charles;
    These three seem to be linked and influential. If I had to add another it would probably be Mancini.

  10. Deborah;
    I forgot they had that one. It is a few years old bow. I hope it still holds up. Lets paint together this spring in Fredricksburg when the bluebonnets bloom!

  11. Jesse;
    I want one of those. But I need a satellite card for my computer.

  12. Dan;
    He had amazing restraint. That gives dignity. I want to copy a Sargent or two myself. I think I will do them out of a book, far below actual size but I will learn something. I just need to get out of my usual workload long enough to do it. Sorry about the mouth, it just came out looking that way!

  13. "It has none of the cool light and sparkling color by which his work would later be distinguished"...
    It´s a pitty that you´re posting pictures of sorolla works with such a bad color rendition (with a strong reddish-brownish cast), don´t know if you´re taking that into account in your commnent

  14. While in Charleston, don't forget to stop in at Robbie Lange's gallery ... Robbie grew up in Derry and is an outstanding artist himself and has what appears to be an awesome and successfully gallery - it does have a website, just search for Robert Lange artist and you should find it.
