Thayer studied first in New York (a city to the south of Boston) at the National Academy. He then moved to Paris and studied like many young American painters at the Ecole de Beux arts with the great and somewhat rigid academic painter, and foe of the impressionists, Leon Gerome.
Returning to New York Thayer became a successful portrait painter. The death of two of his children, a common occurrence in those days before antibiotics, affected him deeply and he and his wife moved back to New Hampshire. She eventually lost her mind and died in an asylum. Thayer himself developed a manic depressive illness and was plagued by the roller coaster ride of exuberance followed by deep inescapable sadness the rest of his life. He remarried and then painted wonderfulpictures of his surviving children as angels. Here is one of those.

Thayer has subordinated the values in the lights giving this piece a quiet and perfected feeling. I have written before about the use of restrained modeling in the lights to get a "clean" look. This is a great example of this restraint of modeling. The uncluttered lights of the wings and gown have the least amount of interruption possible, yet give enough information to tell their story. This gives a dazzling brightness and is in keeping with the "holy" nature of the subject. The handling carries the picture and is part of why the picture works when in the hands of so many French academics of the era this sort of painting is embarrassing and vulgar. Restraint is often the key to pulling off subjects that would be cloyingly sentimental if painted in a more naturalistic fashion. Note this well, as it is mastery and very applicable to painting still, and little appreciated.
Thayer grew odder as the years went on and he and his entire family slept outside year round. It gets real cold in New Hampshire in the winter so that took some commitment. Many people at that time still believed that fresh air was the key to good health and that the stuffy air in a home could inflict disease. This was at the beginning of the American sanitary movement. I guess that's another post.
Thayer gathered about him a coterie of apprentices that included Rockwell Kent. He was a much respected and sought after teacher.

Tomorrow I will recount for you the surprising story of how this artist who painted these idealized, virginal and presumably virtuous young women became one of the inventors of modern military camouflage.
Thayer was also the founder of what came to be called the Dublin Art Colony, which attracted both painters and poets to the Monadnock region and included such notables as Frank Benson and Richard Meryman, and writers such as Thoreau, Emerson, and Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain).
Evidently, he was a first class eccentric. But his paintings are cool.
The Dublin Art Colony is revived today as Monadnock Art/Friends of the Dublin Art Colony, and hosts an annual Studio Tour every fall in the region.
In a word, Thayer rocks. Thanks for the post Stape.
I couldn't agree more with your comments on Thayer pulling off the nearly impossible task of convincingly uniting his family members with these large wings. This was hard to do and we can all learn from Thayer's skills.
In addition to the restraint in the wings' highlights, Thayer also had a great eye for expressive silhouettes and a selective use of heightened outer contour edges.
If anyone is down in D.C. the Smithsonian American Art Museum always has a bunch of top notch Thayers on display. They are fabulous paintings.
I wish I can correct my spelling had to delete my post and try again. Thanks for posting on this important artist. I live near DC and always stop by and see the Thayers, after the Metcalfs of course.
Awesome. Love hearing the connection between Thayer and Kent. Makes sense. Such different ways each handled winged beings. I love the restraint in his lights. I think I'd better get out there and paint some of those large winged beings I keep running into. Problem is, they move really fast, faster than humming birds.
Thanks for teaching us about uncluttered lights, and Restraint-so powerfully effective here.
In these paintings it's alarmingly clear how much Thayer's life informed his paintings. Wow.
Very interesting. I can't help but notice that in the first painting in the post, the shape and position of the clouds suggest wings too.
I knew about the camouflage stuff, but did not know about his personal life. Interesting and sad stuff. I have always thought Thayers angels were some of the best ever painted- as if some had flown down and posed for him. Amazing work. Looking forward to the rest of the story.
I am going to try to convince my wife that we should sleep outside tonight for our health.
Hey, thanks for that!
Thayer rocks! I noticed that implied wing thing too.
I need to get back to the National gallery, I haven't been there in years.
You need to carry a harpoon.
That is a tricky little passage isn't it?
Perhaps you would like to come and sleep in my yard this January. If you live, I will serve you coffee in the morning.If you don't, well I still have to make coffee don't I?
Do you know what Thayer's palette was of colors?
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