Here is a painting I started yesterday. I have worked two days on it now. I hope to finish it tomorrow. It is 26"by 29". Here I am below painting it.

It is nearly 2:00 in the morning. I am on the painting trip to a New England coastal village. I was up real late because Ignat Ignatov did a portrait demonstration tonight at a gathering of artists. Jeremy Lipking streamed it live with his i-phone. I think it will be available online. When I know more about that, I will get back to you. I took lots of photos, it was real dark in the room so they may be just OK, but I will post them. I have enough to document the painting from start to finish.
Announcing Snowcamp 2 which will be held February 5th, 6th and 7th. The first workshop is filled and I will run a second. Go
here to sign up. Class size is limited to ten only, this is a small intense workshop at a beautiful inn located in the White Mountains of New Hampshire.
It's only midnight here. Still early. The street scene is perfect. Love it.
Is that the same cigar?
Stape! That painting is so cool, it could have it's own sun glasses!
(is it still cool to say cool?)
Your painting looks beautiful It's must be a great opportunity to work with and get to know so many talented artist . I watched most of the demo last night . WOW! It was Fantastic ! Here is the link for the Lipking ustream...
Thanks for sharing all your knowledge and experience. With your fellow artist . Every day I learn something new . Enjoy the rest of your trip.
Hey Stape, great to see you make a quick appearance last night... what an awesome artist utopia you have going up there. Hope to make it to snow camp II... Keep up the inspiring work my friend. Cheers and keep doin' the trip! John
Loved watching Iggy's Demo.
Your street scene is terrific. Once again I find myself liking things I probably not have seen as worthy of painting. Can you do a post on seeing the poetry in the commonplace?
Yeah, that was fun seeing you on the demo video! This has been a surprisingly surreal experience watching painters who live out here painting in a world I'm from back there, and painting with a painter I've been following through his blog. Life in the 21st century feels bizarre sometimes.
It is always midnight here in blog land.
It is sstill cool to say cool if you are over 50 otherwise............
The link goes to a page that no l,onger loads. At least not for me.
I guess I will se if I can get it to run.
It is inspiring, There is so much talent here!
That is a good suggestion. I will try to remember that. Remind me.
It is really very strange sometimes. The ability to broadcast a TV show for a hundred watchers is really something.
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