Sorry to post a little late today. I get overbooked. Sometimes I just reach a point where I can't do anymore. But here I am rested and playing again.
I spent the last couple of days on Cape Cop for two openings associated with the Provincetown painting trip this Summer. The Cape Museum of art did a show of some of the work produced there and the Addison gallery in Orleans did a show of some of the rest of the art from the trip. I was in Cornish, New Hampshire some days ago, I can't remember which ones. Cornish is where Willard Metcalf worked a hundred years ago. We set up to paint about a mile from the house where he stayed. I don't think this is a Metcalf site, but I expect he knew it.

Here I am working on a 24 by 30. The snow was up to my thighs, so I had to wade out into it and tramp around in a circle until I had beat down an area large enough to set up my easel. This has been an epic year for snow painting.

Here is my friend T.M. Nicholas. We paint together a lot. He keeps me on my toes, what a great painter! I have known and painted with both he and his father for about twenty five years. I think it is really important to hang with other artists who will bring out the best in you. You will become more like the people you paint with, so keep an eye on that, because the inverse is also true.

Here is the piece I made. I seem to be showing you a lot of half finished pieces on the blog. But that may be useful too. Many of you are strictly one shot plein air painters and that is what this is, a one shot painting. I will work this up in the studio next. When I return to it and finish it in the studio I will try to remember to post a picture of it maybe I will do a step by step of that, might be useful.
But first I have a three other projects with tight deadlines in the studio. I am the guest artists for the Northwest Rendezvous in Montana this summer, but I have to have a piece to them for the catalogue, deadline NEXT WEEK! then I have a show in Charleston at the beginning of next month and a private commission I have been working on. Then I am going to teach a workshop in Mississippi.
OMG, troubling evidence that Stape may in fact be human after all...
Again? Didn't you do this back in January? Seriously, hope it was a great show.
Stape! Do you dream in color?
I am not human, I have no internal organs.
I am so sorry. Have you ever read the blog a day late?
Who knows?I am asleep.
Looks great now!... not sure if it needs much more.
What a beautiful work, Mr. Kearns!
I remember when I first saw a couple of paintings of yours - doing an online search for something and somehow one of them popped up, and I remember thinking, "wow, I really like this guy's work". By the time I had found your blog, and then met you, I had collected several images of your paintings because I lked them so much. They were all snow scenes, too. You do those better'n anybody!
I once had to pee in thigh deep snow when we were out on some silly winter run. I had to tramp out a circle too.
(ha! the verification word today is "potootes".)
Lookin good there Stape! Painting too!
I have a question regarding these larger pieces that you finish in the studio.
I understand they vary from time to time of course, but an average percentage of on site/studio time would be interesting to know.
Do you finish these up from photo refs or do you usually have a smaller study done beforehand of the same place? You have of course built up a vast and alert visual memory throughout your long career, but as a new comer with only a few years painting under my belt it would be interesting to hear your thoughts on that.
Very nice pictures!
I will be in Charleston the first week of March, where will your show be held? I really hope to see it!!
Do I read your blog late? You bet. I sometimes have to read 2-3 weeks worth in a couple of days. You are doing an awesome job working, eating, sleeping, breathing and posting as often as you do! Montana? That is great! Is this the beginning of a new trend? Makes me want to head west...
I still have to put the art in!
Thanks. It is harder being a girl when you paint outside.But the tough ones seem to get by.
I have photos but I don't use em much. I clean up the image and try to make it more compelling. I have plenty of information, what I need is more art.
It should be up on the third of March. It is a mini-show shared with Scott Moore.
Thanks. It seems like all I do is work.
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