I also like to do the land trust events. I have spent an enormous amount of my life painting on properties owned by land trusts. The owners who have great sweeps of wooded hills or pasture don't want to sell it for fear it will be cut up and built over, instead of continuing in it's rural, beautiful and often historic state (this is New England). In return for allowing the public access to the land, almost like a park, the owners get a break on their taxes so they don't have to sell the property, which seems inevitably to lead to construction of expensive vinyl homes . An awful lot of the quiet old New England nooks and crannies and unspoiled places are on these trust properties. You don't have to join a club or pay a fee, just set up and go to work. They usually love seeing painters around.
The artists and staff of the CELT (Cape Elizabeth Land Trust) met at about 8:00 in the morning at their headquarters where they handed us box lunches, maps of the area, guides to local something or other, and pages of instructions. I had chosen a location at the light house early in the process because I knew it was a fabulous view. The 25 or so participating artists were spread out around this small cape. There was a published guide to our locations with explanatory material.
I met old friend Caleb Stone in the parking lot and we drove to the big state park where Portland Head light is. It really is an unbelievably spectacular location. It would make a good Bierstadt or Moran subject. From the moment we got to the light house we both started back pedaling away from it . We backed up as far as we could, a couple of hundred yards until we were at the edge of the park, backs to a cyclone fence where private land began. We walked out a narrow goat path through dense fields of poison ivy till we emerged on the ledges overlooking the light house. This location, though hard to get to, allowed us to look up the coast at the light house, rather than at the light house with the sea behind it.
Caleb and I set up our easels by about ten, I guess, and worked in the sun nonstop until 3:30, when the "rules" said we had to return to the great tents of opulence with our paintings to be previewed prior to auction.
We put our easels up and put our wet paintings on them with no frames in a huge tent Brutal.The tent complex was enormous, here is a picture of that.

Me and a fine box pressed maduro with a 52 ring size moved up to the parking lot to watch the arrival of the "swells". The fields quickly filled with lines of expensive foreign cars and SUVs from Detroit. I thought the lot looked pretty good. I like to see all those fine automobiles it bodes well in these things.

I take my gift bag and then one of the women hands me a little foil package, and I smile and keep moving with the now gathering crowd surging on up the hill to the great tent. I thought, did she really give me a condom? I can't imagine I am going to need one. On closer examination (which I had to do kind of surreptitiously until I knew what the mystery thing was) the little foil package contained a tiny, folded cloth soaked in insect repellant. The CELT organization REALLY does things right, they are well organized and with great style. This is the third year they have done the event and it is obviously growing.

Better safe than sorry in ALL regards, that´s a good motto to live by.
I was actually handed a condom the other week, and I thought "Nice, now my Soltek can dip one of its legs in sand" That or I could make a very boring balloon animal.
Hey Stape, it was fun chewing the fat and those little wrapped hotdogs with you.
"I thought, did she really gave me a condom? I can't imagine I am going to need one."
Glad I didn't have a mouthful of coffee when I read that, Stape. Too funny!
Welcome to the world of plein air painting events, Stape! I do a few of these. The opportunity to meet new friends and paint with old ones makes up for the pressures of time, Official Rules and having to act like a professional. (I do put on a fresh shirt for the evening events.) Hopefully it won't be your last.
Portland Head Light is beautiful. And I am sure you know, the most photographed lighthouse in the world. I have been there. In December, no less. Which is saying a lot for a Florida boy. The wind blew so hard that day I could hardly stand. Loved it!
Nice one shot painting!
I sympathize with you about the time constraints.
That was a great view, and those rocks look like excellent subject matter that beg for more time spent painting them. I hope you get to return and do it up right sometime soon.
Members of the The Purpoodock Club were surely in attendance.
OK - I'll be the one to ask ... And how were the SALES at this auction? Sometimes the auction portion of these events are wonderful and sometimes they can be outright insulting to the artists (like you) who break standard to participate. Twice I've seen paintings by nationally recognized artists go for under $500 when they would normally command $3000 or $8000 because the auctioneer did not put them up with a reserve!
Cool that you paint for these land trust events,
too much of here and everywhere is carved up.
Gone forever, thanks developers.
Nice job avoiding beaks by the way.
Nice job Stapleton ! Its good to stand out at those events - it helps to be very tall. It is a "short" event & they get better at it every year. This was their 4th year.
Cape Eliz ia a nice big area of bits of open land to paint. A cougar was spotted near the horse farm early one morning a couple of years ago.
Robert I think Portland Head Light is #2 . The Nubble is # 1. ...or maybe they are still arguing over it...
Stape, you are a much braver man that I. Facing crowds of well dressed art lovers is tough.
I have to say I like your 3 hours painting a lot more than your 30 hours painting which I love also ... It is vibrant and loose ... I do not what you want to do with this peice of information or if you even care but I spoke ....
Nice painting!
I'm with you, I like to take a lot longer on my paintings.
And for those needing a way to carry wet panels, might I suggest a Panelroo?
This is actually an idea I was trying to tackle and came to a similar solution, but artist Jason Daniel Jackson has them ready made.
His website:
And I have no affiliation, just something I saw on James Gurney's blog.
Lovely painting, even if it was completed in under 30 hours . . . but do I see beaks?
A wonderful painting and I enjoyed reading about this event. You know how to tell a story very well. :)
I have been careful.
Dan Corey
Good to see you again too, fellow pirate.
Bill Guffey ;
A little vulgar perhaps, but good fun.
Michael Chesley Johnson;
I am willing to do a few, but it is not my new method of making a living.
Can they put light houses up on sand?
There are a bunch of good sites at that park. I hope to go back.
The Purpoodock Club?
Plein Air Gal;
I mad less than retail but good money for a days work. No frame either.
David Teter ;
I wrote about beak avoidance tonight in fact.
Mary Byrom;
It is not an area I know very well.
I have done that lots of times. no big deal.
I hear that a lot. Many people prefer "looser" work.
I will check that out.
Cynthia Hillis McBride;
I hope you don't see beaks!
Thank you.
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