There is a trick to pouring from a new can of solvent. For years every time I did it I got turpentine all over. Then I had someone show me how to do it. The trick is to turn the can over. Pour the solvent ACROSS the top of the can, like in the grainy cell phone picture above. You will need to hold your mouth just right for this to work, but try it, no more turpentine filled shoes!
There are about a million little tricks in painting.

Here is the Ocean House hotel in Watch Hill Rhode Island I have been their guest artist for the week and lived like a king. They even feed me two meals a day in their 5 star restaurants. I noticed one of my paintings hanging in the bar. What a great place.

This is the view from the ocean side. If you want to come, bring money, lots of it.
Glad to know how to pour the turp-I was getting awfully tired of that turpentine mixing with the butter in my shoes!
Cool Man You!
I hope you demonstrated your fancy pouring technique at the bar of this lovely establishment.
So, are you now a member of some secret societies?
Thanks for the tip and the extra wide smile! Looks like a painters paradise!
And you used a funnel! I ought to try that.
It also works for topping up the oil in your car!
A trick well-known to Grease-monkeys :-)
Yeah, it only took me about three decades of taking turpentine showers before I figured out that pouring technique too. Slow learner perhaps, but I eventually figure stuff out...
I hate the caps on all those cans. My arthritic thumbs can't press the safety release tabs.
Are they Cohiba friendly there?
I always dreaded having to refill my turps cup- no more! Thanks!
Thanks Stape. Your good advice may never make a fine artist out of me, but at least I know how to pour my turps.
Makes total sense when you think about it.
Everyone needs to live like a king now and then.
Congrats King Stapleton, well deserved my good man. Someone showed me how to pour from the sides as well, works great...too funny, seems the only way that doesn't work is the front.
It bears close resemblance to the Island Inn on Monhegan. Well at least from the first image...
Stape! Your newest picture,(Avatar)
has you looking like Abraham Lincoln, sort of.
(What's with the switch outs?)
Anyway,Good to see you, and hope all is well!
Wow! How did you land a gig like that?
I have about 12 bottles of old turps and sludge. What shall I do with it all? If I pour off the turps, what do I do with the sludge? I have gobs of it.
No one has given me a decent answer - I am beginning to wonder if artists secretly pour it down the drain or dump it in their backyard.
I've been planning to go to toxic day at the dump, but it seems I'm usually busy on those days, so the jars continue to pile up.
Hi Lori
You ?.me ..never ever would pour cadmiums and lead, mercury ( if you use vermillion) cobalt....poisoning, damaging heavy metals anywhere. My sludge collects and every five years or so I take it to the dump when they have their calls out for toxic waste.
Acrylic painters out there...are you pouring your pigments down your drain?
Stape, the new photo...for real? It does resemble you, minus some weight, minus quite a bit of hair. I suspect it's more than a resemblance. It must be interesting to undergo such a radical outer image adjustment.
Stapleton, I've been devouring your early posts starting at the beginning. Thanks for your generosity. I am learning many, many things and being laugh-out-loud entertained also. THANKS, Bill
I think that is a gourmet food.
It is all costume!
Richard J. Luschek II;
You know I don't do bars!
Backroad Painter;
It is a beach there, I prefer rocky shores. Newport Rhode Island is great for that.
James Gunter;
A funnel, yeah.
My car DOES NOT BURN OIL thank you.
Philip Koch;
You'd think I would have been taught that in art school.
If you hold the cap with a set of dentures I think you can get them open that way.
Judy P.
I decant the turps from the gallon into a quart container from which I can pour easily.
You can impress your friends with that now.
Carol Nelson;
I don't ordinarily get to live in such luxury!
Todd Bonita ;
Who knew?
Susan Roux;
It is much bigger though!
and Lincoln was such a good looking chap too!
I don't produce much sludge, I am not sure why.
I put nothing down the drain,
It is me. I change appearance like a chameleon.
Bill Hibberd ;
Thanks. I am glad to be useful to you. It was all such a lot of work. No one can imagine the hours it took to build this blog.
I never put stuff down the drain either. Guess I'll just have to wait for the next toxic waste day.
I did read that one person poured all the thinner off and left the sludge in the jars to dry - then mixed that muddy color dried paint leftovers with linseed oil and used it again as a neutral gray paint. Sounded like a decent idea - anyone done that?
Stape... I'm at my one year anniversary of a purple face ;-) Brian and I are going back to Acadia this weekend to celebrate.
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