You will need a a french easel, a pochade ( pronounced "pochade") box and tripod, or a Gloucester easel. Aluminum collapsing easels and little wooden tripod easels are generally not steady enough and they won't hold your palette. I don't recommend them.
In your paintbox you will need:
Titanium White
cadmium yellow medium or light
cadmium red light
burnt sienna
either cobalt, Prussian, or pthalocyanine blue
yellow ochre
ultramarine blue
Permanent alizirin or quinacridone red
viridian or permanent green deep
you also might want, but won't require,
Ivory black or
cobalt violet
a palette of some sort, most easel setups include a palette.
a medium. I like Liquin or Galkyd but if you like an oil and varnish medium that is fine too. You may already be using a medium at home, bring that. Also you will need a top from an olive jar or a small oil cup to put it in.
mineral spirits or turpentine, and a tuna fish can to put that in.
A roll of Bounty or Viva paper towels, all others are inferior. Also a grocery store plastic bag for them after use.
A selection of flat brushes, a couple of #1's, several #4's, a #8 or 10 and a short handled rigger, synthetic or sable, about a #4 . Also a leaf shaped palette knife.
You will need a hat with a substantial brim, a baseball hat works well. A shirt that is a neutral or dark color. Bright colors reflect into your painting and make it hard to judge your color. You will need bug spray and possibly sun screen. I carry a container of Goop, you can get that at Wall Mart or an auto supply store, to use cleaning your hands.
A fine cigar or two, possibly a maduro, box pressed if possible, no White Owls or plastic mouthpieces please.
Several canvases, or panels to paint on. Please no cardboard artist boards they are floppy and impermanent dreadful things. Gessoboard is nice, sourcetek panels are good, clayboard is too absorbent. I think a 16 x 20 is the ideal size. Small canvases bring an added complexity to painting as you need to miniaturize nature to go on them. Don't bring anything larger than an 18 x 24 unless you are a pro.
Dress comfortably, I will be in painty blue jeans and a t shirt. Wear shoes you can stand comfortably in.
Some people like to have an umbrella to shade their canvas, I don't use one, but you might.
A camera, you will want to get a shot of what you are painting because it may save the project later in the studio.
I guess that's it, I will see you at 9:00 in the morning in the parking lot in front of the Cape Cod Art Association. Lets hope the weather is good!
Thanks for posting this. I was getting a little nervious about not knowing the plan. How strong are you about viridian? I always mix my greens. Also, I normally use cadmium red deep. Will that pass, or should I pick up a tube of light? I'll pass on the cigars.
Ha! "No White Owls or plastic mouth pieces." Dang that's funny. Wish I could get to one of your workshops at some point. Good luck and great weather.
I never paint outside without a BOCCPBP bagel or two. To make it:
Toast your bagel. Nuke a ring of sliced pepperoni the size of your bagel for 25 seconds. Spread cream cheese on one half of your bagel (Assiago bagel is best, but everything is also reccommended) and slather Super Crunch Peanut Butter on the other half. Dont skimp. Place a 1/8 inch slice of red onion on the peanut butter side. Place the pepperoni on it and cap with the creamed half. Wrap in Saran Wrap as you can use it to cover your pallet colors to keep them fresh. Swash down with 2 or 4 cans of diet Vanilla Pepsi. The caffeine therein will pick you up and keep you going. As you can see, this recipe has a little something for everybody and if everyone, or at least a majority of the party partakes, the spicier aromatics are hardly noticible. For the faint of heart, Maple Cured Bacon can be substituted for the pepperoni. Just be warned that once you have had one of these beauties, you will crave them for a long, long time.
Ah boy, that's going to be a fun workshop. I wish I could make it!
Stape, are you going to document the highs and lows of this thing for us?
Thanks. No tellin what they'll show up with if I don't warn em up front. Maybe Swisher Sweets, which destroys your values.
I want no part of that bagel.
Maybe down the road I will do one in Cali. I hadn't thought about documenting it , but maybe I should.
I think you should have viridian.But it has become expensive and the quality seems to be dropping. I myself am fooling around with Pthalo green as a substitute. You really ought to have one of those.
I suggest cad red light or vermilion because that gives you a warm red and a cool one (alizirin-quinacridone)I will lend you some if need be, I have a nice big tube of RGH.
I don't punish people who don't have all of the pigments, but sometimes nature does.
Hope you have a good time. I would love to see some pics of the event.
I picked up a tube of viridian and one of cadmium red light. I use Rembrandt oils, but their cadmium red light is somewhere between cadmium yellow deep and cadmium orange (booth of which are on my palette.) I went with Gamblin's cadmium red light, despite the nose-bleed price.
See you Friday morning.
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