I chose this late medieval piece because I wanted to get a painting from this era onto the list but also because another theme seems to be developing in the list, the chains of influence running through the art of painting. Below I have reposted the Velazquez from last nigh with the pikes that must have been inspired by the Uccello above.

God said to Abraham, "kill me a son",
Abe said "man , you must be putting me on!"
God said "Abe, you can do what you want, but,
the next time you see me coming, you better run!"- Bob Dylan
Tiepelo painted scads of these decorative fresco ceilings around Europe, although he was a Venetian. His light and ethereal color give his art a light and very joyous major key look. His color is very different than that we associate with old master painting. Seeing them in person is essential, photos don't really do them justice.

26) Henry the eighth by Hans Holbein 1498-1543
Holbein, a German was a great portraitist, but most of his career was in England as official court painter to Henry VIII. Holbein made preparatory drawings for all of his paintings, then transferred to the canvas. Below is an example of one of his drawings. Holbein is revered as one of the great draftsman of history.

Stape that's the best Tiepolo I've ever seen- thanks for posting it. The opening tunnel of space up into the heavens is just wonderfully painted.
I agree with Philip, it is wonderfully painted.
It seems to set itself apart from the rest of the paintings here in that it also seems to bring another persective to the art, faith and spirituality.
Meaning it has that impression of Godly inspiration to it.
The other paintings seem to be documentation art, with little heart and soul.
The ethereal colors you talk about
may be part of the elevated awareness the artist was trying to
communicate to the viewers.
I'm sure to see this in person would be a sermon in itself.
I would like to imagine the expression on Abes face when found he didn't have to sacrifice his son.
That would be a challenge for any
portrait painter!
The first time I laid eyes on a Tiepolo was by accident. I was in Venice for the first time and went to a chamber concert being held in a small church. While the musicians were tuning and getting ready I was looking around at the beautiful architecture and when I looked up there it was! I gasped so loud half the place turned to look at me. of course, I don't think I heard a note- I spent the whole concert looking up!
I have an old book on fresco with that in it. It has always wowed me.
I am surprised it was such a hit here. I would have thought it to mannered and old timey for today's audience. good for you all.
More praise for Tiepelo. I had no idea, maybe I need to issue a Tiepelo t-shirt.
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